Class Rules


Temporary Safety Procedures
During Covid-19 Re-Opening Phase


For All Class Members:


Must bring a pick-up bag if the dog defecates in or outside (its your dog).
Must stay ten feet (10ft.) from each other outside, do not block the door trying to get in.

Dog must wear a choke chain from Germany and 6 ft. 3/4 in. leather leash.
The collar must have 4 inches remaining after it is placed over the dogs head.

For your protection you will be checked at the door with a forehead thermometer.
You must be wearing a face mask, gloves, and sanitary wipes for your chair before leaving.
There are eight chairs in the room separated 10 feet apart for your safety , when you take your chair it will remain you sitting spot.

For New Class Members (Evaluation Mondays):

The evaluation is on Monday by appointment. Only dog and owner may enter the school, no other family members. To help the school, time and day of the class must be committed over the phone.

For Regular Class Members:

Regular class members come back on the Day and time that you where in.

For Advanced Class Members:

Due to the size of the advanced classes, we are going to discuss a new alternating schedule with smaller class sizes. Please bring mask and gloves.

Summary: What do i need before coming to class?
Clean hands, dog, choke chain, leather leash, face mask, gloves, and sanitary wipe.


The Regular List of Rules Outside Class:

1. No treats! (Only Dan is allowed to give your dogs treats in class!)
2. Be consistent (all family members).
3. Don't over praise your dog.
4. Take all toys away from dog while in training, and then return toys as needed.
5. No rawhide, pig's ears or calf-hooves; use only Nylabone products
6. No tug-of war games.
7. No wrestling, running, or floor games.
8. Never leave your dog outside alone more than five (5) minutes without an adult.
9. Never hit your dog and becoming emotional. High-energy builds energy.
10. After training, grooming, veterinary visit, never give your dog water - always ice cubes!
11. Don't try to train your dog off-leash just to see if he can do it!!
12. Don't let your dog run free in a park or field.
13. Keep a distance of ten (10) feet away from another dogs.

Dog Treats